Rupaul s drag race season 3 Contestants Video - Rupaul s drag race season 3 we present a little glimpse Cast a wider range of queens. I've already made this point, but basically, pretty and "real" isn't the definition of all drag. Let's see a more complete look at this fascinating, vibrant subsection of queer life. Or, if the show really does want to only focus on glamour queens that are serving up fish, at least be up front about it. I honestly do not know, after the past two seasons, why anyone who doesn't look or perform like a RuPaul clone would even bother trying out at this point, because right now I don't think they have any prayer of winning, bellow is Rupaul s drag race season 3 Contestan Video
Rethink the challenges/performance format. I am still flummoxed that the winner got all the way to the final 10 minutes of the show before having to actually show us how well she can perform. I seriously had no idea what Tyra was capable of before that lipsynch. I understand that the runway portion is TV-friendly, but how many people go to drag shows (or the Pride Drag Tour, this show's prize) to watch queens strut? We want to see them perform, and I don't think many of the challenges really showcased that. They should all be lipsynching every week. I don't know how you pull that off logistically, but that's why you're paid the big bucks.
No matter what, I'll be there for rupaul s drag race season 3. I seriously do adore this show. And I'm super excited about the "Drag U" spin-off starting this summer (even if I don't fully understand yet what the concept is). I can't wait to see many of the queens from this season and last. Especially Rochester's own Pandora Boxx, who may have come in fifth place in the race, but was unquestionably the breakout star of this season. The viewers AND the media really responded to her humor and charm, and she took home the Miss Congeniality prize by a landslide, according to RuPaul. (I suspect the only two others even in the running were Jujubee and our darling golden child, Jessica Wild.)
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