Update News Rani Juliani

Rani Juliani is now famous. She is suspected of involved in love triangle with the one of the most powerful men in the country Antasari Azhar and CEO of one of state-owned companies Nasrudin Zulkarnaen. Her (fake?) blog is also popular, her (fake?) profile on blogspot has been viewed 345.000 times, to see profile rani juliani please click here , Follower as much 295, Alexa Rank 172.508. Fantastic ?


  1. wah.. di blog gua ada rani juliani bajakan


    tuh dia ngisi shoutbox gua. lihat aja di kolom nomr 6.

    rani juliani : "halo mampir"
    2009-05-05 12:12 PM #

    kupret deh.... ;P, tp lucu. xixixixi


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