Added Google Followers

There are many ways we should do to increase our Page Rank blog, among others, Link Exchange or banner link, visited each other to blog buddy (blogwalking) but do not forget to make a posting in the comment column, because if we leave comments in the Shoutbox or the like, Google is less likely or not at all indeksed. And there was also one of the facilities provided to users by Google's servers to improve blogspot Page Rank, the Followers.
As we know have not some of this old column Followers appearance has changed, and in the lower right corner you can see there are any posts Google Friend Connect. That means that Google now also consider the field to increase your blog's Page Rank. But we also must know that, Google also considers the link from the Followers, so proud to be first if your case Followers column of hundreds or thousands of Followers, but you do not make the link with your Followers.

Would that make you also link with the Followers in a blog buddy who has become Followers in your blog. Blogspot server for users who have not yet installed in the field Followes blog, from now on you please attach to increase your Page Rank. I would like to help the bloggers who do not understand Followers to install the column in your blog, so please follow the steps below.
  1. Click the Layout tab
  2. Click Page Elements tab
  3. Click Add a Gadget. Please select the appropriate strategic placement of your taste, in the Header, in the Sidebar or the Footer.
  4. Click pursuivant
  5. Done
Hopefully by adding this column Followers PageRank triumphant return. please try it out.


  1. Kang, kok jadi bahasa Inggris..
    kenapa gak di translate ke bahasa Indonesia aja
    kan artikel yang lain juga bahasa Indonesia
    btw, good Info..
    bikin dong artikel tentang gimana mengubah tampilan GFC ini?
    soalnya aku berkali2 mengubah warna tampilan balik lagi kesitu2 juga

  2. I do not use the google connect as it shares facebook.
    Si I am quit content to stay with the blogger friends widget:)

    Thank you for the information in any event!

  3. Wow, nice uy kang... nuhun tips na.. tapi mun dina wordpress mah ewehan followers na.. heheheh... keep sharing kang

  4. Komen lagi, tapi beda ID.. blog utama saya ini teu pake followers kang, yaa habisnya signal pakai IndosatM2 yang super lemot, kadang2 membuka blog dengan followers yang ditampakkan, loadingnya gak selesai2.

    Sebenarnya tanpa ditampakkan tetap bisa loh jadi followers blog, liat bagian navbar(jika ada) nanti ada tulisan "ikuti blog ini", nah kalau di klik nanti masuk kolom followers deh, asalkan yang mau jadi follower harus sign in dulu di blogspot. keep share kang

  5. yap,bener ini bisa nambah2 nilai buat pagerank

  6. Wow...pake bahasa bule *bingung*...
    Salam kenal, Kang Yayan...aku dah pollow blog-nya, pollow me back yak...Big Twenks ;p

  7. Info yang bagus Kang,...tapi kenapa ya, kalau Follower di munculkan atau di tampakan loadingnya agak sedikit berat, mungkin kang apih punya solusinya biar agak enteng dikit gitu ?

    Thanks sudah berkunjung Kang, sukses selalu ya.

  8. informasi yang sangat bagus kang Apih, saya ngikut ngefollow blog ini Kang.

  9. yup pusing aku bacanya.....translate ke bahasa sunda saja biar ngerti bozzz

  10. nice info kang yayan..terus berjuang bersama blogger

  11. I added today google follower. Its very nice. Im following you, hope you follow me the same. Cheers

  12. Nice post, wrote something similar yesterday. Noticed my earnings went up, so I am assuming it has to do with my page rank? More followers higher pager rank higher eCPM.

  13. berarti saiaiia sekalian izin follow nii.. tepat dund?!??! hehheheh.. thnx :)

  14. terima kasih ya telah mampir ke blog saya, nice to meet you lah

  15. terima kasih sudi mampir ke "tempat" saya,...
    blognya seru banget neh, rame

  16. banyak jalan menuju roma, banyak cara mencari back link.. hue.he..he

  17. lagi dan lagi ilmu terbaru dari apih bakalan aku aplikasikan di blogku (cieeee bahasannya aplikasikan, pokoknya aku coba diblogku) trim's apih...

  18. mampir lagi, waduh apih fotoku ada tuh, heheh...mejeng dikit...


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