Education System in the United States

State or federal union selected the United States (U.S.) is also reflected in the education system through decentralization follow the states (states).

The main responsibility of all educational affairs department of education which is based in Washington. Are day-to-day affairs submitted at each of the state.

Similar to in Indonesia, besides the government, private sector and religious organizations are also permitted to establish schools. Levels of schools that they dirikan vary from basic to higher education. Private schools are also allowed to use a different education system that is used with the state concerned. Boarding school (boarding school) is an example of the type of school that was opened by private or religious organizations.

Particularly on higher education, higher education in the U.S. can be divided into College and University. College-general with a few exceptions, focus more organized education program graduates (undergraduate), while the university conducted a good degree (undergraduate) and graduate (graduate). At the term university college to be similar to the faculty. For example, the university will find our College of Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) or the College of Economics (Faculty of Economics).

However, as mentioned previously, this college in the university take only undergraduate program (undergraduate). So if there is a potential Indonesian students want to register Mining Engineering Master program, he must deal with the Graduate College (Postgraduate Program). Graduate College will then forward this application to the Department of Mining Engineering, which then returned to the Graduate College to prospective students decided whether or not it is received. If finally accepted, the student will be administratively enrolled in the Graduate College and the academic in the Department of Mining Engineering.

For graduate programs, not all universities offer doctoral programs. Some of them only offer the stairs up to master, especially if the program is intended to educate graduates as practitioners who are ready to work in the world. Master's programs also have 2 types. Master terminal and the master development.

As explained previously, the master terminal program is to prepare graduates as practitioners. Once education is completed, he is expected to immediately return to the workplace. Master's graduates are continuing to have a desire for continuing education to the doctorate level.

So do not choose the wrong. Plan the future is very influential in the selection of this type of master's level.

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