pangandaran beach: tourism

Tourism object, which is excellent beach in West Java is located in the Village District Pananjung Speed with distance ± 92 km south of the city Ciamis, have various privileges such as:
• Be able to see the sun rise and sinking one of the same place
• Sloping beach with crystal clear water and the distance between the tide and low tide is relatively long, making it possible for us to swim safely
• There is a beach with white sand carpet
• There is a team savior coast tour
• Road environment of good asphalt roads with adequate lighting
• There is a garden with a fish-sea fish and sea life that mesmerize.

With the factors supporting earlier, the tourists who come in Pangandaran can do a wide range of activities: swimming, boating and swimming, fishing, cycling around with, the sailing, jet skiing, and others.
The traditional event that there is intent here is the Sea, which is a ceremony conducted in Pangandaran fishermen as the embodiment of their sense of gratitude to the kindness of God in a way "melarung offerings" to the high seas. This event is usually held on every month Muharram, taking place in the East Coast Speed.

International tourism event, which is always carried out here is a Researcher in the Festival International (Pangandaran International Kite Festival) with a variety of supporting activities that we can see each month in June or July.

Facilities available:
1. Parking space is quite broad,
2. Hotels, restaurants, lodging, tourist cottages with rates vary
3. Postal services, telecommunications and the money changer,
4. Cinema, discotheque
5. Guide and the Tourism Information Center,
6. Earth camp,
7. Bicycle tires and rental pool,
8. Parasailing and jetski.

Do not forget to vacation in Pangandaran you should always alert and obey the rules.


  1. Wow pantainya kayanya nyaman
    dari dulu mau kesana tp blum kesampean ^^

  2. Kapan dong bos wisata ke pantai pangandaran bareng wargw RW.01, kayaknya seruu tuch....

  3. Kalo mau wisata ke pangandaran saya siap bosss unk pengadaan tansportasinya, Pake F1mclaren aja biar kebuuuutch...

  4. Oh...soal transport mah ini neh Bis ALADDIN siap menampung banyak orang 60 seat cuma atu juta aja !

  5. kalo barengan aku ikutan donk duitnya buat kesana dari hasil PTC sama referall ya hehehehe


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