Using the Blogger Ad Code Converter

Using the Blogger Ad Code Converter, so how can I get around this and easily use ad code or any javascript inside my xml Blogger template? Introducing, the Blogger Ad Code Converter by eBlog Templates. This simple tool will take any block of javascript or html code and replace the characters that Google Blogger ignores with the correct ones. Here’s a real life example. Say I want to put a Google AdSense 468 x 60 banner ad into the header of my blog but there’s no widget to use. You’d have to manually go into AdSense and create a new ad unit to get the code. Here’s the result.

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-6044026340890176";
/* 468x60, created 3/17/08 */
google_ad_slot = "3105157606";
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
<script type="text/javascript"

Now if you just pasted that ad unit code directly into your Blogger header you’d get an error or it just wouldn’t work. Most people would think Blogger was broken or wonder if it’s something they did when in fact it’s neither. The new Blogger uses xml which is much more strict and requires certain reserved characters like > < or & to be converted into xhtml entities. Here’s what your ad code needs to look like in order to work properly:

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;&lt;!--
google_ad_client = &quot;pub-6044026340890176&quot;;
/* 468x60, created 3/17/08 */
google_ad_slot = &quot;3105157606&quot;;
google_ad_width = 468;
google_ad_height = 60;
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;

This only took me a few seconds to convert since I used the free and easy Blogger Ad Code Converter. There are actually posts out there that explain how to do this manually but who wants to take the time searching and replacing each character when you can convert unlimited sized ad code blocks with only one click?

After you’ve converted your ad code, paste it into your template and it should now work. Obviously before you make any changes to your Blogger template, it’s a good idea to back it up. You never know when you might make a mistake or revert to a previous version. Once you’ve done that, give the Blogger Ad Code Converter a try for free! keep blogging.


  1. Hi,
    I like your article and all the great tips that are mentioned on it, it has really helped out. Thanks for share the information.
    I hope you can visit my blog and give me suggestion.
    Thanks again.

  2. hi ... berkunjung di blog hebat ini..Articelnya bagus2 visit back yah

  3. Mas...
    saya mw nanya..
    gmana cranya ningkatin traffic dn ningkatin rank d alexa seperti punya mas???

    tlng bntuannya y mas???

    thanks before

  4. Wah semua postingannya berisi informasi. Ada blogspot tutorial. Izin ad link yo Mas ...
    Salam kenal

  5. Nice post... but ..Is it allowed to convert or change Google adsense script..? that mean the ads to be legally
    Apakah dibolehkan kita merubah script Google adsense..? dan iklannya menjadi sah.

  6. Ane blm ada balasan nih dari Ads, berapa jam dtgnya ... 48 jam mana ???? good info

  7. Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.


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