Features Honda PCX Indonesia

Honda PCX Indonesia, intending to buy a Honda PCX? Recognize first promoted features. Many new technologies that did not previously exist in the first skutik already circulating in the homeland.

Ready? Let's begin from the features of Idling Stop System (ISS). ISS is a feature that allows this premium skutik able to turn off the engine and turn it on again automatically when you are at rest. For example when stopped at a red light. In three seconds the machine will automatically turn off. To turn it back to living his swivel gas shells, the machine automatically re-live one. The goal of course to save fuel consumption. To enable this feature there are buttons on the panel handlebar right.

ACG and 3 piston calipers

Another advanced feature is the alternating current generator (ACG). ACG is an electric device that becomes one with the starter altenator. So do not expect to find on the Honda starter motor PCX.

At the start push button electric starter, altenator device will work as a starter motor. And after the engine life back into altenator functions that supply voltage to the battery and all other electric devices.

Furthermore, had ever heard of a motorcycle is equipped with the standard device with an alarm? Honda PCX one who equip themselves with this safety device. Can be activated and deactivated via a remote. When activated, when there is vibration and rough movement, the alarm will automatically yell!

Another interesting thing is his device Combi brake special. Although already used by Honda Vario CBS Techno, PCX to Honda's much better. First because the system already being Vario hydraulic CBS Techno is still using a cable.

Also the front brake caliper Nissin his three-piston equipped. Two for the front brakes function normally. And a special use when the device Combi brake his work.

PCX Honda engines also have escaped Euro3 exhaust emission standards. Exceed the emission standards adopted in Indonesia. This is thanks to the application of fuel injection pengabutan PGM-Fi and the addition of a catalyst in his exhaust silencers.

There is still something else? Still dong. But the standard only, namely the use of children equipped with a magnetic lock release button and close the seat of gasoline. Baggage is also gambot skutik gambot. Volumennya 32 liters that is able to load a full-face helmet and a variety of other equipment.

With all new features that, the price to Rp 32 million (Jakarta on the road), is still not overpriced?

source : http://www.otomotifnet.com/otoweb/index.php?templet=otonews/Content/0/0/1/7/11162

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