"Pencak Silat" Start the World Cup 2010 Opening Ceremony

Anticipation of the biggest global football tournaments, World Cup 2010, reaches its zenith, Friday (11 / 6) of this. The promise of South Africa (South Africa) to present a colorful attraction and friendship as the host of the World Cup 2010  started to prove. Indonesia should also be proud too. Although he never did bring his team in the event World Cup, Indonesia joined the World Cup 2010  to enliven the party started this. In a parade to welcome the opening of World Cup 2010  in the City of Pretoria, South Africa, Thursday (10 / 6), the Indonesian delegation participating through team performance "Pencak Silat" gets standing ovation South African citizens.

While Indonesia is not included in the final round of 32 participants of World Cup 2010 , can still fly the Red and White in South Africa. Like yesterday (10 / 6), Indonesia became honorary members of the organizing committee finals World Cup Pretoria area. Indonesian team received a special invitation as a representative of Asia culture.

Indonesia attended the Festival in Pretoria by displaying Musanda attraction "Pencak Silat". This festival along the major roads such as the Wessel Pretoria Street, Park Street, Leyds Street, Essellen Street, Jeppe Street, Beatrix Street, Proes Street, Andries Street, and ends at the Van Der Walt (Burgers Park).

Entourage "Pencak Silat" specially imported from Indonesia "padepokan Pencak Silat" Al Azhar University, Johannesburg.

And the response of local residents was very positive. Musanda Festival in Pretoria yesterday seemed to belong to Indonesia. Along the road heading to the Burgers Park, each of the attractions that made contingent Indonesia always received incredible.

Red and White teams who deliberately held attraction bout at every intersection is always surrounded by the audience, is very different from the conditions of the other teams that also presents unique culture or attractions.

Tim "Pencak Silat" Indonesia led Priharjono is capable of stunning thousands of spectators who thronged the streets in downtown Pretoria. In session attractions in each intersection, the team "Pencak Silat" Indonesia is showing an empty hand stance, a stance machetes, sickle stance, the session empty-handed fighting, fighting knives, fighting one against two trident stance, and wrench fan.

Indonesian team consists of 40 people, consisting of a "fighter" junior level to adults. Wearing a different uniform with other participants, the white pants, red dress, and style "berkopiah" Minangkabau, Indonesia is really drawing attention at the opening session of the World Cup parade in Pretoria


  1. Salut untuk tim Pencak Silat Indonesia yang sudah mengharumkan nama Bangsa Indonesia di kancah International bergengsi. MERDEKA !!!

  2. Pencaksilat adalah seni beladiri yg mengandung nilai2 luhur sesuai dengan kepribadian bangsa Indonesia. Pencaksilat mempersatukan bangsa2 dari lintas benua tanpa memandang agama, bahasa, ras, warna kulit dan politik. Mari kita cintai pencaksilat sebagai salah satu budaya bangsa Indonesia.


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