Foto Syur Agnes Monica

Foto Syur Agnes Monica. Singer Agnes Monica pretty fun person to be the victim in cyberspace. Similar nude photos of herself, now circulating on the Internet. Chris, Agnes manager firmly denies that sexy photos of naked is Agnes Monica bathup.

"" No way that Agnes. Birth mark just different, "he said, Monday (7/19/2010) on RCTI. Chris added, many irregularities in the photos circulating on the internet. For example, the face of Agnes, who still bermake-ups.

"To my knowledge, Agnes if a shower to wash my face first," he said. Agnes yourself, go Chris, do not bother with such cheap gossip. He chose to stay focused with his career who want to go through the music industry intermasional United States and England.

Just to note, in a photo spread in cyberspace, the picture looks similar to Agnes woman naked in the bathup.

1 comment:

  1. waaawww o.O
    trus, mana photo syurnya kang??
    kok gak ditampilin disini??


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