Keong Racun Youtube 1 million Hits

Keong Racun Youtube 1 million Hits. Phenomenal! That is now happening on a video lipsync "Keong Racun" Shinta and Jojo. Only in a month, this video managed to break the one million hits on YouTube and attention facebookers both Twitter users.

Video "Keong Racun"-Jojo Sprott also make ST12 bands. Jovita Adityasari (19) alias Jojo, a student Mojang Bandung in International Relations (IR) Pasundan University (Unpas), and Shinta Nuriansyah (19), a student of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in Bandung, was acting as he sat on the couch with lip mimicking the song "Keong Racun".

No half-tangung, since the first uploaded on June 18 and until Friday (07/30/2010) yesterday, this video Bandung ancestors had been hit more than 994 107 times.

The amount represents a hit or an open view which is usually hit by a scandal because it was owned by a famous artist in the span of three months on YouTube.

Therefore, the Indonesian nation should be proud. It turned out not only pornographic video scandal news, played Ariel "Peterpan" (29), Luna Maya (27), and Cut Tari (33) which can worldwide. Videos Ariel Ariel twisted into "Peterporn". Apparently lipsync duet "Keong Racun" Shinta and Jojo too crowded foreign media reported.

A British news site, The Independent, preaching the phenomenon of the "Keong Racun" is on YouTube.

Not only that, "Keong Racun" beat its competitors topics, such as onetimefor, dontcoutonit, predictingkanyetweets, and even the Inception, the Hollywood box office film played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

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