Apple unveil "the future of IOS" in June

Apple unveil "the future of IOS" in June - The developers conference is organized every year Apple and is dated 2011: it was announced the company itself, the event will take place between the next 6 and 10 June in San Francisco.

Apple did not give too many details yet about the event, but has promised "Unveil the future of iOS". This could mean the launch of iOS 5, but the latest reports suggest that this could be delayed until the fall, so do not really know what you mean Apple with that statement.

Another of the highlights of the conference will be first images of Mac OSX LionThe next version of the Mac operating system is expected to be launched and during the summer.

The event itself little is known, but since Apple have also assured to take over 100 different sessions Developer of Mac OS and IOS. For other announcements related to hardware, it seems that there will be little new, as The Register indicates.

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