Science Park birthday

Science Park birthday. The sixteenth anniversary of the Science Park was held yesterday with an open day in which there was no shortage of music, theater, movies and astronomy. The birthday of the museum became the scene of a great show of knowledge. More than five hundred people from colleges, universities and research centers enlivened the day with demonstrations, storytelling, drama, documentary exhibits and free workshops, in which the public learned how mathematics, physics or chemistry affect our daily lives.

The expansion of the universe, the mysteries of DNA, the magnetism, the physics of balance or the science of music were some of the pillars of the sixty experiments were performed.

The day began early in the morning and was attended by President of the Consortium and Minister of Education, Francisco Alvarez de la Chica, and leading authorities in the consortium, which launched the new module Record and send your video, A new interactive experience that allows visitors to leave their opinion about the museum and its facilities and that can be seen through the television channel that the park has on its website.

Another novelty of this birthday was the activity CloserThat seeks to promote careers in science among young people. Researchers in various areas related their experiences to convey to students what their work is fascinating.

The workshop was also inaugurated Bath gel, "salty? within the program Chemistry in small doses. It explains the chemistry behind the soothing bath salts.

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