Web Hosting Hub - Free Hosting For Your Site

Web Hosting Hub. For those of you who will create a website or blog and do not want to use the free services that exist, of course you need a domain name for addressing the site and a place to host or store the files needed for your website or blog you can walk and can be accessed by the visitors. Currently, there are many hosting options you can take, from hiring its own server for your site or using a shared hosting service - share space with other sites within a server owned by the provider. One of the shared hosting providers that I will write here is a Web Hosting Hub.

As a provider of shared hosting service, Web Hosting Hub is intended for personal and small bussiness with a variety of convenience features for your website or blog that will be made to be online and accessible to the visitors. As a service provider hosting WordPress and b2evolution hosting, blogging application installation can be done easily and quickly in a few clicks. To account settings hosting, Web Hosting Hub uses its Cpanel with Fantastico which allows automatic installation of applications or web software, from applications to e-commerce blogging.

For hosting plans offered by Web Hosting Club, there is only one package provided which you can get a price of USD $ 4.95 per month if you choose to subscribe for 36 months, $ 5.95 per month for a package of 24 months, or $ 6.95 per month for the choice of hosting 12 months. Web Hosting Hub will provide a free domain name to be used or you use the domain name you already own. Pricing is certainly adapted to the budget you have. It is interesting, if generally guarantees provided hosting services for a period of 30 days, the Web Hosting Hub for 90-day warranty. So, if for example in a period of about three months you feel the services provided, then you are entitled to request a re-hosting fee that you pay.

For the features provided, for the hosting package given disk space, databases, and bandwidth is not restricted. So even with the number of websites that you can make in your hosting account, you can create one, two, or even 10 websites or blogs in a single hosting account you purchase. Other features include support for PHP 5, MySQL 5, PERL 5, Python,. Htaccess Overrides, GnuPG Encryption, and others that you can see the features page on his website.

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Domain Hosting


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