Kata Mutiara Untuk Ibu - Di hari ibu (mother day) ini tak semua dapat memberikan hadiah terindah, namun kata mutiara untuk ibu merupakan hal yang terindah dapat diberikan kepada seorang ibu, mudah-mudahan hal ini dapat memberikan curahan hati sebagai rasa kasih sayang anak terhadap ibu, ataupun Anda yang jauh disana bisa mengobati rasa rindu terhadap ibu, kita baca yuk, kata mutiara untuk ibu
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gambar : iloveislam.com |
* So many wonderful moments we have spent together, so many wonderful years in all kinds of weather, thinking of u mother brings memories to mind, wonderful moments i ll treasure, these u gve me sincerely thats why my mom , I love u so dearly. Happy Mothers Day My dear Mom…
* What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart. Happy Mothers Day…
* Mother is an undying love, A love beyond compare, the one you take your troubles to, she is the one who really cares. Mother you are all of this and more, I love you very much…
* Being a great mother is a very hard role, but mother you’re the star for this one I know, I love you Mom. Happy Mothers Day…
* The love she has deep in her heart, Always gives me a good jump start, She is the one who’s love is true, Thank u Mom for being u…
* There are no words that say thanku enough for everything you have done for me while I was growing up. I really do appreciate you and admire you very much, though I dont always express myself that I’ll always be intouch, I guess that’s why we have these special days, so that peoples like myself can say that they will love you always. Happy Mothers Day My Cute Mom…
* Thank you mother for all that you do, I know my thanks are far to few, I really do love you I dont say enough, for me those words are really tough, I wish I could express all that I feel, but for me you know thats a big deal, Have a good day I’m thinking of you , I hope my feelings are getting through. Happy Mothers Day…
* When you feel you’re alone in a crowd, when you think no one can understand you, when you think your love is rejected by others, and when you hate your life just close your eyes and think about her who loves you truly, cares for you in your loneliness, dies when you cry, she is no one else but your MOM…
* For the best mom who always had a smile for me I know we may be far apart right now So here’s a great big hug and kiss Happy Mother’s Day…
* You’ve seen me laugh you’ve seen me cry and always you were there with me… I may not have always said it But thanks and I love you Happy Mother’s Day…
* Many hugs Only luv never anger Teaching me Helping me Every smile when I was sad Raising me to be strong It spells Mother. Thanks for being you…
* Happy Mother’s Day means more than flowers and gifts… It means saying thank you. It means I love you… You are my mother, my friend Today is your day…
(sorce : www.butikbella.co.cc)
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Buku Panduan Lengkap Cara Cepat Hamil ini resmi diterbitkan oleh penerbitan online Digi Pustaka dan hingga saat ini sudah naik cetak sebanyak 5 kali Bonus KONSULTASI GRATIS.
Kasih ibu tiadaaaaaa !!!
ReplyDeleteKasih ibu tiadaaaaaa !!!
betul itu
Deletesemugha surga mnjadi tempatMhu diaLam sana bhuuu . . .
ReplyDeletehasih n syangmU kan slalu qhu jga n qhuingat spnjang Maza_
" I miss u MOM "
ReplyDeletekasih ibu takkan terbalas
ReplyDeletelove you mom
Deletekasih ibu sepanjang masa..
ReplyDeletetak qn ptus2'a smpai akhir hayat...
q qn slu menyayangimu ibuu......
Ibu dapat memegang dan menjaga tangan anak-anaknya untuk berada dalam genggamannya hanya sesaat saja, tetapi Ibu dapat menggenggam hati anak-anaknya untuk selamanya.
ReplyDeletei love you mom..
Ibu dapat memegang dan menjaga tangan anak-anaknya untuk berada dalam genggamannya hanya sesaat saja, tetapi Ibu dapat menggenggam hati anak-anaknya untuk selamanya.
ReplyDeletei love you mom...
wardatul laila alfitri
ReplyDeletejasamu tak kan pernah terbalaskan
walau ditukar dengan mas segunung
namun kn q cba bahagiakn mu
dg q berbakti padamu
bunda,your always in my heart
ibu meski jarak kta jauh tp cntaku tk prnh pudar,maafkn kesalhn ankmu yg slama ini mmbuat hti ibu trluka,dan mmbuat hti slalu mnangisi i love you ibu.
Deleteibu cntamu akn slalu abadi dan tdk akn pernah pudar sedikitpun,i love you ibu
Deletebetul sebanyak apapun harta yg kt beri tdk akan bisa membalas jasa ibu,maka jgn sia2kan ibu kt krn sesunggungnya surga ada d talapak kaki ibu
DeleteI Love mother
ReplyDeleteaku sangat menyayngi ibu walaupun engkau sudah tiada tp hti tetap slalu berkta bhwa kaulah ibu q yg paling q cintai...
ReplyDeletepepatah mengatakan "SURGA ITU ADA D BAWAH TELAPAK KAKI IBU"
ReplyDeletejadi, wahai teman2 semua janganlah sampai kt membuat air mata ibu kita jatuh karna gara2 tingkah laku kita sendiri
selamat hari ibu.ibu aku cinta kamuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
ReplyDeleteur my mom 4 ever... my lovely mom, ur the greates in the world mom...
ReplyDeleteungkapn dari anak untuk ibu...
ReplyDeleteIbu adalah sgalanya, tanpa dia kami tak semangat tuk hidup...dia bersusah paya dlm 9bln trus mnjaga kita dlam perut. Susah senang dia tetap sabar & tersenyum mnjaga kita Itulah SEMPURNAHnya IBU I LOVE YOU Mom:* MyEveryting(y)
ReplyDeleteIbu adalah sgalanya, tanpa dia kami tak semangat tuk hidup... Dalam 9bln kami slalu dirawat di syang kemana ibu prgih pasti kami slalu ikutt...Susah senang ibu terus trsenyum & syang padamu Itulah SEMPURNAHNYA seseorang IBU I LOVE YOU mom MyEveryting(y)
ReplyDeleteBy: Mutiara vivii vinola:)