Video Ariel-Cut Tari Download

Ariel-CutTari Video Download. After some commotion with the release of today's video nasty like a soap star, presenter and advertising Luna Maya and Nazriel Irham aka Ariel, the virtual world was startled by a video back in kind. Star, again like Ariel. Opponent? Similar to Dance Cut presenters. The circulation of news videos like the two stars that started to emerge since Monday (06/07/2010) yesterday. But it was only circulated on youtube since Tuesday morning.

The video duration 8:46 minutes. Believed to be taken both stars like Ariel and Cut Tari on November 18, 2006, at around 18:18 pm. A number of scenes worthy of married couples do. The woman seen wearing blue overalls flowers. Video taken in a horizontal state.

The scene opens with the appearance of a woman like Cut Tari on the bed as she saw the camera. A moment later, the man who looked like Ariel had emerged without any piece of clothing and immediately do a scene like married couples.

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