Dampak Negatif Internet. Dependence on the internet start reaching major cities in Indonesia. Unfortunately not everything have a positive impact, even internet users far more dominant negative activities. To be able to take appropriate action, previously necessary to have a clear and practical understanding of the dependence of the unhealthy will this internet. Addicted to the cyber world is divided into five categories.
1. Cybersexual addiction
the obsession to view, download and trade pornography. Chat rooms containing fantasy and role playing for adults are also included in this category.
2. Cyber-relational addiction
excessive involvement in the relationship through the internet (such as through chat rooms and virtual affairs) to lose contact with the relationships that exist in the real world.
3. Net gaming
namely a kind of addiction as gambling, gaming, shopping and stock trading activities via the internet that interfere with work and / or resulting in debts.
4. Information Overload
Because finding the information that is not inexhaustible available on the Internet, a number of people willing to spend long hours to gather and organize various information.
5. Computer addiction
Research found that some organizations experienced a negative impact as a result of addiction to games off-line (like Solitaire and Tetris are popular in the 1980s and then), which was on average much been installed in the computer.
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