Miss Celebrity 2010

Miss Celebrity 2010 Grand Final  taking place in Hall of Rama-Shinta Fantasy World, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, North Jakarta, Thursday (29 / 7). Peak talent search event the young girls was opened with the appearance of the 20 finalists.

Performance of finalists that lively dancing on stage look more imposing by the Great Goddess with song accompaniment soundtracks Miscel Most Beautiful Women in My country Indonesia. Purple, Afgan, and Vierra was present to enliven the event.

Miscel 2010 election has been underway since last June. The 20 participants selected from the competition in six major cities namely Jakarta, Medan, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Manado

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1 comment:

  1. duh, gmn nih cr ngebca ny, bingung.. bhsa inggrs q gk spntr kmu.. hiks..hiks


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